Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Two Weeks Later...

Hey everyone, you may have thought I'd been kidnapped or something in the last 2 weeks but no, I'm still here. Well actually I did run away to GB for 9 days I just couldn't stand Germany any more.

...nah just joking, I love Germany. But I did head home! As of Friday the 19th of October at 10.40 am my school had 2 weeks holiday. So what did the teachers do? Get drinking, naturally. We cracked open the beers in the team room, then headed out to an italian restaurant and ate pizza. I cannot stress how lovely the other 7 teachers in my "team" are, in the last few weeks they have been so welcoming and helpful AND they even paid for my pizza!

I then caught the train back, grabbed my (pre-packed, thank God) bag and went to catch the coach to Frankfurt Hahn airport. I was genuinely sad to be leaving my flatmates for 10 days, they are so lovely and good fun, but equally happy at the prospect of seeing my uni friends and family.

For those of you who don't know, Frankfurt Hahn airport is a bit odd. It is in the middle of nowhere in Rhineland Pfalz, and only does RyanAir flights. Because of this I had to travel there the night before and stay in the B&B hotel across the road (literally), as my flight was at 6.30 am.
I'd never stayed in a hotel alone before, but I was so tired and had to get up so early I fell asleep at 8pm and woke up at 4am, fully refreshed.

Later came the biggest challenge: negotiate the London Underground. Another first to do alone, as I can count on one hand the number of times I've even been to London. This proved even trickier than expected, as a lot of the lines were semi-down, and I accidentally got 2 poor German tourists lost with me, awkward. Eventually I managed it though, and made my way down toSouthampton, where I study.

Officially this was to do some research for my YARP (year abroad disseration thingy) but it was unofficially a chance to revisit the delights of Portswood's nightclubs and see my friends still in Southampton, both of which I'm pleased to report I did enthusiastically. A LOT of couch surfing was involved, and also a dash of dressing up as a sheep and hitting Jesters with the CymruSoc lot (highlight). I did get my research done too, somehow.

After that it was a case of heading back to Wales to see my parents and (briefly) my brother, and a  lush few days were had. I also got to go to the Cowbridge Food and Drink Festival! ( Wandering around with a couple of my oldest friends I was hit by how much of a mixed bag my life has become: one day I'm learning about the intricacies of German culture and helping (or rather failing to help) my flatmates make Apfelstrudel. A few days later I'm back in Wales wandering around lovely stalls of Welsh cheese, cider and wine.

Being home also triggered several conversations about the things I wish I'd known before arriving, so that will be my next blog post!

I was pleased when I realised that I was excited to come back to Germany, and got straight back into life here, including singing karaoke twice (not my usual style) with a mish mash of erasmus students the night I got back. I love Trier!!!

Brilliant jet setting plans (well car-setting) this weekend, news on that next week!

I leave you with a few pictures:

Lush cheese, that I brought back with me to Germany.

Cowbridge Food and Drink Festival

Finally Southampton University Hartley Library, which deserves a mention as a) I love how it looks and b) I have spent way too much time there in the first 2 years of my degree.

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