On the plus side, this is a good sign, as if they didn't like me they would have ruled me out already and told me so when I asked for a response, so as my dad says they're probably just waiting to meet this last person on Monday and as long as they don't like her/him more than me I should hopefully have somewhere to live. So I can't help myself but hope they have some sort of obvious and terrible habit which immediately puts the girls off them...which is very uncharitable of me but oh well.
So the wait goes on.
However, I have just booked my one way ticket to Germany! At 1.50 pm on the 2nd of September (2 weeks time) I will be flying from London, Heathrow to Köln with Germanwings.
I'm flying to Cologne because the next day I start my Language Assistant Training in Altenberg so there's not much point going to Trier or Saarland beforehand.
I've not come across germanwings before, it seems a bit like easyjet though, only even more things you can pay for (just £7 to choose which seat I want to sit in for an hour and a half? Don't mind if I do!) I half expected to be asked if, for the small and reasonable fee of £20 I wanted to get first dibs on the nearest loo.
Anyway, I am excited. In just 2 weeks and 50 minutes I will be starting my Year Abroad! I have an urge to dance around the room. If I get this room in Trier I doubt I will be able to resist said urge.
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